Friday, September 11, 2009


       China yesterday condemned a US decision to slap tariffs on steel pipes from the mainland, as US President Barack Obama mulled whether to also curb tyre imports from the Asian giant.
       The disputes are a litmus test for Obama's trade policy with Beijing, and are coming to the frefront ahead of his highly anticipated first presidential visit to China set for November.
       In July, Obama laid out his vision of "cooperation, not confrontation" between Washington and Beijing, saying the relationship would "shape the 21st century", but the thorny trade issues could throw a spanner in the works.
       The US Commerce Department said on Wednesday it had made a preliminary decision to impose duties to as much as 31 per cent on Chinese carbon or alloy tubular steel products used in oil and gas wells, following claims they were backed by unfair subsidies.
       That announcement drew a quick and angry response from Beijing.
       "China is highly concerned over this matter. We strongly oppose such trade protectionist moves," a commerce ministry spokeswoman said.
       The spokeswoman declined to comment on what action China would take, if any, in response to the US move, saying the ministry could make an additional statement later in the day.
       From 2006 to 2008, US imports of such pipes, officially known as oil country tubular goods (OCTG), from China increased 203 per cent by volume, the statement said. They were valued at US$2.6 billion (Bt88.8 billion) last year.
       The Commerce Department launched a probe into the case after complaints from various US industry groups and unions, including US Steel, and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union.
       "As a result of this preliminary determination, Commerce will instruct US Customs and Border Protection to collect a cash deposit or bond based on these preliminary rates," the department said in a statement.
       It will issue a "final determination" on the issue in November, it said.
       "This is the largest countervailing duty and dumping case filed against China, based on the value of trade," a lawyer representing a Chinese company involved in the case, said.
       The decision came as Obama has pressure to slap punitive duties on Chinese tyre imports, and save jobs at home as the world's largest economy tries to recover from a recession.
       Obama is required to make his decision by September 17, ahead of hosting Chinese President Hu Jintao at the G-20 summit in the US city of Pittsburgh on September 24-25.

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